Snow white with red hair shiira
Snow white with red hair shiira

spoiled (1) Having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention. In most cases, speaks only when spoken to. loyal (1) Character remains firm in friendship or support for a person or thing. kind (1) Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature. This contrasts with a clever person, who has a sharp mind but doesn`t necessarily apply it to surreptitious behaviour.

snow white with red hair shiira

cunning (1) A cunning person is characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness they are generally proficient at several forms of minor deceit such as avoiding providing the truth without resorting to lying, bending the rules by sticking to their letter rather than the spirit, or other similar tricks. Once a person becomes 13, they are an adolescent instead. In everyday usage, babies (younger than 3 years old) are also children, but they are tagged separately they should not be tagged child as well. child (1) A child is any person 3 to 12 years old. brave (2) This character shows little or no fear in face of danger, perhaps even jumping onto the danger when he or she believes the time comes. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.Īdolescent (1) An adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old. yellow hair (2) The character has yellow hair. white hair (1) The character has pure white hair. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin anything longer is shoulder-length. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. short hair (4) Short hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. purple eyes (1) This character`s eyes are colored somewhere between red and blue. They are not to be confused with the animals commonly called moles. Such marks are sometimes considered an attractive feature, hence the beauty-related names, and they are medically known as nevus (plural: nevi), from naevus, Latin for "birthmark".

Snow white with red hair shiira skin#

mole (1) A mole, also called beauty mark, beauty spot, beauty patch, and sometimes birthmark, is a type of visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa that may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired. green eyes (2) The character has green eyes. cyan hair (1) This character has cyan (greenish-blue) hair.

snow white with red hair shiira snow white with red hair shiira

brown hair (1) The character has brown hair. Blue eyes (1) This character has blue-colored eyes.

Snow white with red hair shiira